
#include <my_struggle.h>

#include <my_struggle.h>

/** This is the header file of my journey to computer programming world.


Hello Everyone, As you have read above already, this is the header file of my journey to the programming world. It includes the functions:

  • Why Am I Stuggling?
  • Why Do I Care!
  • My Journey/Struggle

First, we should cover all the dependencies for these functions to properly work.

Why Am I Struggling?

I took Computer Science as my majors in my Graduation out of nowhere, I don’t know why but I did. I was always an art lover with curious temperament, kinda kid. I admires the nature and the science behind it, so what I knew already that I love Physics, It’s my subject because Physics is a Latin Word, meaning “To Know”. Then, I don’t know what what came over me, I took computer Science, may be because I admired computers too. I knew totally nothing about computers and programming two years back, and that’s why I struggled to adapt to new world. But thanks to my curious temperament, I got interested in the subject very soon, started to relate programming with any other daily life stuff. And when I get to know about their architecture, my vision becomes more clear.

Why do I Care!

Now, Why do I care to struggle with this new alien stuff, I could have let it go and don’t go any deeper, but yet I did. You know why? Physics, it is. As I said, I always admires the science behind nature or anything else, when I entered this new alien planet, I started to ram my head to get into it, then slowly with time, when I adapted a little to it, my Physics temperament woken me up.

I started to wonder how, these computers (and not only computers but every electronic equiment) can do this mountains of stuff, just by utilising electricity. My Physics understanding tells me that, electricity is nothing more than flow of electrons, then how these small electrons can do these massive job. Million dollar question, Isn’t it? :)

With the advent of little more time and little knowledge of Computer Architecture, I started to understand how these electric pulses can do wonders in computers. And this is the time, I started to care even more to dvelve into this alien planet. This computer ICs and various electronic components can maipulate these electricity pulses (0s and 1s), how these 0s and 1s can be fed to computers to do what we want.

My Journey/Struggle

Now, you all might have got it right by now, I care about programming more than ever because it relates two crushes of mine (Physics and Computers). So, you might have a question by now, how smooth my journey is? Well, not so smooth and I don’t think any of had this smooth journey, because learning anything new will never have a smooth journey and will have very large hurdles in between. Many a time, you might want to quit it at all.

Once I realised what is in the computers that keeps me going to learn it i.e “Physics behind computers”, I was good to go. I made a list what I love and how will I learn those and just start picking the items off the list.

  • My Journey starts with a programming language named C, one of the universal language they teach in the graduation to build your concepts.
  • Then I encounter these online programming websites and I got more excited. But, wait I couldn’t solve any question and that makes me more sad.
  • There comes the Data Structures at rescue and voila, I could solve some problems now.
  • I am also a Math Lover, so it helped me a lot too.
  • Then Computer Architecture enlilghtened me a little about cpu, and I decided to make my own computer (which I haven’t started yet).

Now, Hurdles. The biggest hurdle for me to cope up with my friends, they all in development phase and I was still in learning phase. Besides, they neveer cared about the miniscule details of computers and I cared about computers only because of these 0s and 1s.

It took me a while to understand that, I am different and Yes, I am on a different path. So I stopped worrying about them anymore. You know I am a late bloomer. I also understood one thing, that learning this low level stuff is much more difficult to learn than those API stuff, because there’s not much guidance you can get in this field.

  • Now, I started to developed kernels (low level computation stuff) and I am glad with.
  • Soon, I gonna build my own computer from very scratch.

So, Wait for it.

Thanks for being with me!

The hacker-culture.

Hacker-Culture Session

Now, I am proud to be an hacker, especially knowing after how this hacker culture developed. Well, I am a part of a revolution, Hacker Revolution and I am very excited to be its part.

We had this session on an IRC channel #dgplug, which is a part of their summer training programme, and seriously what a great session it was. I still feel pumped up as if I was there by myself. I am glad to be a part of DgPlug group and most of all,I am glad to know someone like Kushal Das. I am not gonna explain everything that was explained to us by him, because only a good story-teller can connect you to the story as Kushal Das did and unfortunately, I don’t have this skill yet.

How it all started? From this simple recent tweet by Gnome and the following reply. Do have a look and think about these comments keeping hacker-culture in mind. :)


If you guys really want to experience what I had experienced, just read thislog for the session we had on the channel or just hear it all by Kushal Das himself, read his blog.

Let me share the Kushal Das Quote:

“The history is important, Learn about it!”

I can’t put everything here on the blog, the history is really huge and very important part of hacker-ethic. It really explains allyou just read of the log here on the blog, but I can summarise the motive, As Far I Understood, “We humans should contribute to the society as one whole indistinct part and share what we learn with others for them to continue where we left. And that’s how, we humans, can improve and develop as a being.”

And every thing you just read is not just awesome but also something that every computer enthusiast should know. Kushal Das suggested us to read these two books:
    Hackers: Heroes of Computer Revolution
    Free as in Freedom

Now, I am really upset by myself not to pick books out of my wishlist because the first book he suggested was in my wishlist for over a year.But,

“Better Late, than Never.”

So thats all for now, my experience on Hacker-ethic/culture.

Hacked… :)

My First Meetup, PyDelhi

My first PyDelhi Meetup

Today, I attended my very first meetup PyDelhi. So I am going to share my experience about the meetup with you all.

Since it’s going to be my very first meetup, I was really excited for this to be happen. I woke up early to reach there on time and voila, like everything, we want nothing goes wrong with, and then there it is, boom. I got late, I don’t know how but on reaching the venue I found I was much early.

Now, here comes the experience. I reached there (at Innovaccer) and I really started to appreciate the word “Meetup”, I met two guys over there, Utkarsh and Varun, both were the alumini of “IIT-Delhi” and are working on their startup “Attentive-i”. Then, the event started at around 12 noon.

Event started with Introductions, where everyone introduces themselves and then few presentations with some discussion was there.

“Web-Crawlers Using Python” by Sahil.

He explained what a Web crawler is, its use and then he showed us a basic Webcrawler made by himself in Python live, in Action. Here is the github repository of the presentation and webcrawler itself.

“Numpy and Matplotlib” By Tanya.

She was the only girl present in the talk, and give the presentation on Numpy and Matplotlib. She depicted some of their uses and showed them live in action.

(We had a small product pitching by Mr. Ashish on Just Rokket.)

“Real-Time Push Notification” By Rahul Gaur

He introduced us about himself and push notifications. Then, he showed us his code for real time push notifications.

(We had a small break for tea and snacks. Which is good cause this was the when meetup started to make sense. Meet up new peoples.)

“Mercurial: Version Control System” By Pulkit.

He introduced us all with the concept of Version Control System. He also introduced us to the Mercurial, a Version Control System, Had a great discussion on Git vs Mercurial and why one should switch to Mercurial (being easy) from Git.

And That’s all! Official end of my first meetup at around 4pm.

That was about how the event started, took place and ended. Now, back to me, Did I meet new peoples? Yes, Sure I did. Well didn’t meet all those new people, but some 2-4 people. And I also met one of my DgPlug Summer Training 2017 Classmate: Championshuttler. Now, next time, I’m gonna meet all those new people and have some new friends.

All in all, That was a great experience.


It's been a long time, since I published anything here, but that doesn't mean I stop writing, I kept writing everyday, just didn...